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【更新】Rectified 摊上事儿啦!rectified与sharktech争议事件记录

【更新】Rectified 摊上事儿啦!rectified 与 sharktech 争议事件记录


2017/12/06 更新:rec 官方已向用户发送邮件,说下周将恢复大部分机房。如果还在担心没法退款的朋友。可以再等等。恢复了可以继续用着,不用着急退款了。


四天前,rectified 给用户发送了一封邮件,说明他们已经被 sharktech 收购,未来的一个月内将完成业务交接,老用户的套餐将转移至 sharktech 的机房。当时我觉得这是好事啊,sharktech 自己卖的套餐可贵了,要是以 rectified 的价格用上 sharktech 的服务还不是美滋滋。所以我发了一篇文章,向大家推荐了一波 rectified,觉得可以搭上这趟末班车。

然而,第二天 rectified 的官网就打不开了,他家的小鸡也无法连接上。去看了一下 rectified 的 twitter,发现 rec 官方推特账号居然在否认被收购这一事件。有问题,于是我赶紧把所有 rectified 推荐相关的文章都撤下来了,静观其变。群里上了 rec 车的群友,正在商量着争议退款。又等了一天,有的人退款成功了,有的人连个回复都没得到。

昨天,更是有人发现 rectified 的 PayPal 账户居然注销了。

直到今天,sharktech 官方发布了一篇声明:《Sharktech Statement on Rectified Networks》


Recently we discovered a senior system administrator was secretly operating a reseller account. This administrator originally described Rectified.net as his wife’s business. Logs were discovered which indisputably indicated that this administrator was not only operating the business (rather than his wife) but also allocating his employment shift to his side business. Logs indicate that this has been going on daily for over three years. After reading through the logs, it was also determined that this administrator was leveraging his trusted position at Sharktech to act in the interest of his side business, even when doing so directly conflicted with the best interest of Sharktech. We have several years of logs to back this claim. The administrator was asked several more times if he was running Rectified Networks, but he denied doing so each time.

When presented with the logs, the senior system administrator confessed and asked what course of action Sharktech thought was appropriate. He asked for forgiveness and for continued employment. Due to the long term and close relations Tim has had with the administrator, Sharktech offered the administrator an option where he could continue working for Sharktech, but Rectified would need to be closed or be turned over to Sharktech, as it is an obvious conflict of interest to own a competing business. The administrator originally agreed to transfer the business to Sharktech, an arrangement that included compensation. We have logs to back this claim. Upon granting us access to his billing system, we observed the use of our intellectual property in active use for this business.

A few hours later, the employee changed his mind, deciding to quit Sharktech and cancel the company transfer. At this time, Rectified resources are on hold pending deeper forensic investigation and legal consultations.


最近我们发现一个高级系统管理员秘密地经营一个经销商帐户。这位管理员最初描述 Rectified.net 是他妻子的事情。日志被发现,无可争议地表明,这个管理者不仅经营业务(而不是他的妻子),而且还将他的工作转移到他的副业。日志表明这种情况每天都在持续三年以上。通读日志后,也确定这位管理员正在利用他在 Sharktech 的信任职位,为了他的副业而行事,即使这样做直接冲击了 Sharktech 的最大利益。我们有几年的日志来支持这一说法。管理员被问了几次,如果他正在运行整流网络,

当提交日志时,高级系统管理员承认并询问 Sharktech 认为适当的行动方案。他要求原谅和继续工作。由于 Tim 和管理者之间的长期和密切的关系,Sharktech 为管理员提供了一个选择,他可以继续为 Sharktech 工作,但 Rectified 将需要关闭或被交给 Sharktech,因为这是一个明显的冲突拥有竞争业务的兴趣。管理员最初同意将业务转让给 Sharktech,这项安排包括赔偿。我们有日志来支持这个说法。一旦授权我们访问他的计费系统,我们观察到我们的知识产权被用于这项业务。

几个小时后,员工改变主意,决定退出 Sharktech 并取消公司转移。目前,整顿资源正在等待深入的法医调查和法律咨询。

事情的真相出来了,鲨鱼员工擅用职权,建立了 rectified 谋取私利。被 sharktech 公司发现后,事后谈判未能和谐达成,因此“收购”事宜被搁置,双方开始走法律程序。而 rec 的创办人把这个烂摊子一丢,不管用户了。坑了一大批用户,不仅没可能用上鲨鱼机房,退款的可能性都很小。不过,还是要继续走争议,万一成功了呢。

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